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Drawing of mountains behind "Vote yes on 2U Denver Collective Bargaining"

Collective bargaining for city and county workers will make Denver safer and stronger.

This fall, voters will decide whether or not to grant employees of the City and County of Denver the right to collective bargaining. Collective bargaining means employees and their employer sit down to negotiate and come to agreement on terms and conditions of employment.

Our city and county workers keep Denver running. Everyone deserves safe jobs, family-sustaining wages, and time to spend with loved ones. By granting collective bargaining rights to Denver librarians, social workers, recycling collectors and other city and county workers, we can make our city the best it can be.

Denver firefighters, police officers and teachers have had these rights for decades. It's time to extend these basic workplace protections to all city employees.

Join our campaign for collective bargaining rights for city and county workers and help make Denver safer and stronger.

Vote YES on 2U!

Sanitation worker


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