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Drawing of mountains behind "Vote Yes on 2U Denver Collective Bargaining"

Big news! Our Denver municipal collective bargaining measure will advance to the ballot in November! 

A woman holding a microphone in front of a crowd holding "union strong" signs

The Denver Post

Denver City Council amends ballot measure that would allow city employees to unionize, November election in sight

"In a statement released later that evening, Johnston affirmed his support and thanked council members for working 'in good faith to strengthen this initiative...Denverites know we can provide essential public services and protect the rights of city employees at the same time.'" 

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A woman holding a microphone in front of a pro-union crowd on the Colorado state capitol steps

The Denver Gazette

Denver City Council advances collective bargaining rights for more city workers

“'At the end of the day Denver employees deserve to have a seat at the table and to be able to negotiate for themselves...I grew up in rural Colorado on food stamps, and I think good, strong unions lead to good middle-class jobs.'"

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Denver City Council goes over collective bargaining proposal

"'The thing about city workers is that it’s not about wages and benefits all the time, it’s about having a voice on the job and being treated with respect, the only way you are going to get that is through collective bargaining.'"

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