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What do collective bargaining rights mean?

Currently Denver teachers, Denver firefighters, and Denver police all have collective bargaining. As do most workers in large American cities like Denver. Collective bargaining means employees and their employer sit down to negotiate and come to agreement on terms and conditions of employment. Some groups of workers may choose to exercise these rights; others may not. 

Collective bargaining is good for workers and the public.

Collective bargaining is in the public interest. When public workers have the ability to collectively address workplace issues they are better able to advocate for the public they serve. 

Two park workers holding shovels

Denver voters will decide.

When the measure gets on the ballot, voters will get to decide whether or not to grant employees of the City and County of Denver the rights to collectively bargaining this November. The proposed charter amendment includes standard language used for firefighters and teachers. 

Who will be impacted?

Many frontline employees of the City and County of Denver, including library workers, parks and rec workers, public health workers, human services workers, Denver water, public works workers and more. Denver social workers, librarians, recycling/ trash collectors, animal shelter workers, and recreation coaches will be included. 

Sanitation worker with a garbage truck

Collective bargaining for City and County of Denver workers is long overdue.

Except for public safety, most of the 11,000 employees in the City and County of Denver do not have collective bargaining rights. Denver is an outlier among peer cities across the country. Since 2022, all county workers in Colorado have collective bargaining rights. It is time for Denver workers to secure these basic rights. 

Support for unions and collective bargaining is at a historic high.

There is overwhelming support for collective bargaining, unions, and the right to strike among Americans: 

  •  Gallup 2023: Two-thirds of all Americans, 88% of Democrats, 69% of independents, 47% of Republicans support unions

  •  GBAO 2023: 91% of Democrats, 71% of the general population, strike support is even greater (75%)

Three men laughing around a laptop computer